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The Housing Authority of the County of Monterey (HACM) 



Procurement and Contract Services (PCS)

Procurement and Contract Services is responsible for the procurement of supplies and services which the Authority needs for an efficient operation. In order to provide these supplies and services at the lowest possible cost, consistent with the quality needed for the efficient performance of Authority activities, a competitive bid process is utilized. PCS is also responsible for contract compliance of all Authority contracts, the disposal of surplus equipment, centralized storage, asset control, and the Authority's internal delivery service.


For additional information on contract services and the Bidders list call (831) 775-5070.​​​​​

Request for Proposals



We will post our solicitations on our website, including Request for Proposals (RFPs), Invitation for Bids (IFBs) and/or Request for Qualifications (RFQs). Please click on the button below to view current Bid Opportunities.


Listed below are Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for vendor products and services solicited by the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey. Qualified vendors are invited to review and respond to these requests. 

  • Is HACM seeking a firm that will provide a General Counsel (i.e., specific person who will attend meetings) or is HACM seeking general counsel services?
    HACM is seeking General counsel services.
  • Is HACM seeking eminent domain counsel?
    Eminent domain counsel is not a primary focus for HACM at this moment.
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