La Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Monterey (HACM)
Thank you for your interest in the Housing Choice Voucher Program! At the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey, we deeply appreciate your commitment to this initiative. We value our owner partners immensely and warmly welcome you to join us in our shared mission to offer high-quality, affordable housing opportunities in Monterey County. It's important to recognize that the success of this program hinges on your active participation and dedication. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on our community.
Getting Started
What is the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program?
La lista de espera actual de vales de elección de vivienda está CERRADA
La Autoridad de Vivienda anunciará la apertura de la Lista de Espera de HCV en los siguientes periódicos:
El californiano
Heraldo de Monterrey
Noticias del sur del condado
Semanal del condado de Monterey
Sentinal de noticias del Seaside Post
El Sol
Envíe por escrito una solicitud de estado
How do I rent to HCV participants?
Renting to HCV participants is like renting to any other tenant, and you have the flexibility to utilize your preferred advertising methods. However, the Housing Authority suggests the option of listing your property at no cost on This platform allows interested participants to reach out to you directly, streamlining the rental process.

What should I do if someone with a voucher applies to my unit?
When an HCV participant expresses interest in your rental, they will provide you with a Request for Tenancy Approval (RTA) packet. If you're interested in renting to them, simply complete the RTA and submit it to the Housing Authority.
*Please note that an estimated tenant rent portion is provided to each applicant in writing during the voucher briefing. During the process of unit approval, the exact tenant portions cannot be provided and thus all landlords should refer to the estimated tenant portion.
You have several options for submitting the completed RTA:
You can drop it off or mail it to the Housing Authority office located at 123 Rico Street, Salinas, CA 93907.
Alternatively, you can email the RTA to
When the Housing Quality Standards inspection passes, the Housing Authority will notify the landlord and the applicant.
The applicant can sign the lease the same day the Housing Quality Standards inception passes.
The Housing Authority will need a copy of the executed lease agreement immediately after both parties sign the document.
Please send this document to
After the lease has been received, the Housing Authority will send the landlord the HAP Contract via email for signatures.
Thereafter, the landlord will begin to receive payment.
Once you've submitted the RTA, the Housing Authority's staff will typically review it within three to five business days. They may reach out to you if any adjustments are required. If your application is approved, you'll be contacted to arrange a Housing Quality Standards inspection shortly thereafter.

Proyecto abierto actual
Listas de espera basadas
What is the value of a voucher?
Calle Benito Asequible– 425 Benito Street, Soledad (unidades de 4 y 5 habitaciones) –Esta lista de espera está abierta hasta nuevo aviso.
Monterey Street asequible– 266 First Street, Soledad (unidades de 4 y 5 habitaciones): esta lista de espera está abierta hasta nuevo aviso.
Fanö Vista – 550 Fanoe Road, Gonzales (unidades de 4 y 5 dormitorios): esta lista de espera está abierta hasta nuevo aviso.
Apartamentos en Camphora – 32101 McCoy Rd., Soledad (unidades de 3 dormitorios) Trabajadores agrícolas –Esta lista de espera está abierta hasta nuevo aviso.
Magnolia Place Senior II– 12th Street y Elm Street, Greenfield (unidades de 1 y 2 dormitorios) – La lista de espera está abierta hasta el 29 de mayo de 2023 a las 5:30 p. m.
Todas las aplicaciones a continuación están disponibles en inglés y español.
Monterey St Aff. PBV España_2021
How much can I charge for rent?
The HCV program does not impose a fixed limit on rent; however, it aims to ensure that the initial rent is affordable for the participant. The Housing Authority pays market rates to landlords renting to tenants with a Housing Choice Voucher. To determine how much we can approve for your unit, we will compare your unit to similar non-assisted units that have recently been rented in your neighborhood.
Who is responsible for the security deposit?
HCV participants are responsible for covering the security deposit.
Can I raise the rent?
Yes, but this requires approval from the Housing Authority. To request a rent increase, owners must first serve a 60-day notice to their tenant and provide a copy of that notice to the Housing Authority. Approved rent increases will take effect on the first day of the month following 60 calendar days after the Housing Authority’s receipt of the owner’s request or on the date specified by the owner, whichever is later. Please note that all rent increases must comply with Rent Reasonableness. Additionally, it's important to be aware that state or local laws may place limitations on the extent to which you can increase rent. The Housing Authority recommends consulting with an attorney or legal entity for more details regarding these limitations on rent increases.
Basado en el proyecto Salinas
How will I be paid by the Housing Authority?
Lugar Haciendas – (Unidades de 4 y 5 dormitorios) –Esta lista de espera está abierta hasta nuevo aviso.
Pueblo de Tynan– 325 Front Street, Salinas, CA 93901 (unidades de 4 dormitorios) –Esta lista de espera está abierta hasta nuevo aviso.
Un lado del parque – 1108 & 1110 Parkside Street, Salinas, CA 93906 (unidades de 1 y 2 dormitorios, para personas mayores de 62 años o más): esta lista de espera está abierta hasta nuevo aviso.
Todas las aplicaciones a continuación están disponibles en inglés y español.
Tynan Village PBV_español 2021
Política HACM
El HACM no determina quién comparte un dormitorio/dormitorio; Se asignará un dormitorio al jefe de hogar y al cónyuge o pareja, y se asignará un dormitorio por cada dos personas adicionales.
How can I report a change in property ownership?
The completed change in property ownership form can be submitted to the Housing Authority office at 123 Rico Street, Salinas, CA, or emailed to
How can I report a change in property ownership?
You can submit changes to the Housing Authority office located at 123 Rico Street, Salinas, CA, or send them via email to Please include a copy of the Grant Deed and the IRS W-9 form to initiate the change of ownership. Kindly anticipate some processing time as our staff reviews and processes your change request.
When will I receive payments from the Housing Authority?
Upon signing the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract and processing of the required paperwork by our staff, you can expect to start receiving HAP. Please allow a processing period of two to eight weeks for your initial payment. Following this initial phase, HAP will be disbursed promptly on the first business day of each month.
How can I update my direct deposit information?
To make changes to your direct deposit information, kindly complete the Direct Deposit Cancellation and/or Change form, accessible here.
You can deliver or mail the completed form to the Housing Authority office at 123 Rico Street, Salinas, CA, or email it to
¿Quien es elegible?
Gross Rent Explanation:
HACM determina la elegibilidad para un vale de alquiler en función del ingreso bruto anual total y el tamaño de la familia y se limita a ciudadanos estadounidenses y categorías específicas de no ciudadanos que tengan un estatus migratorio elegible. En general, los ingresos de la familia no pueden exceder el 50% del ingreso medio del condado o área metropolitana en el que la familia elige vivir. HUD publica los niveles de ingresos medios y varían según la ubicación. HACM presta servicios a su comunidad y puede proporcionarle los límites de ingresos para su área y el tamaño de su familia.
Durante el proceso de solicitud, HACM recopilará información sobre los ingresos familiares, los bienes y la composición familiar. HACM verificará esta información con otras agencias locales, su empleador y su banco, y utilizará la información para determinar la elegibilidad del programa y el monto del pago de asistencia para el alquiler.
Si HACM determina que su familia es elegible, HA pondrá su nombre en una lista de espera, a menos que pueda ayudarlo de inmediato. Una vez que su nombre esté en la lista de espera, HACM se comunicará con usted y le emitirá un vale de alquiler.
Tenant’s Contribution:
The tenant’s contribution is determined as 30% of their monthly adjusted income.
Housing Assistance Payment (HAP):
At the beginning of the lease, the tenant’s contribution is assessed against the maximum rent burden, often referred to as the 40% affordability rule. This rule states that tenants may not pay more than 40% of their monthly income toward the gross rent. If the tenant’s contribution exceeds 40% of their monthly adjusted income, the Housing Authority will request a lower contract rent from the owner. Please keep in mind that the 40% affordability rule applies only to the initial lease term.
Maximum Rent Burden at Initial Occupancy:
At the beginning of the lease, the tenant’s contribution is assessed against the maximum rent burden, often referred to as the 40% affordability rule. This rule states that tenants may not pay more than 40% of their monthly income toward the gross rent. If the tenant’s contribution exceeds 40% of their monthly adjusted income, the Housing Authority will request a lower contract rent from the owner. Please keep in mind that the 40% affordability rule applies only to the initial lease term.
Rent Reasonableness:
The Housing Authority is responsible for determining the rent reasonableness of unassisted units. Rent reasonableness ensures that the contract rent for unassisted units is comparable to that of at least three similar unassisted units. Factors considered include unit type, location, size, amenities, and utilities. It's important to note that, during this process, the Housing Authority may request a lower contract rent if necessary.

Basado en el proyecto Salinas
What is the purpose of Payment Standards?
Lugar Haciendas – (Unidades de 4 y 5 dormitorios) –Esta lista de espera está abierta hasta nuevo aviso.
Pueblo de Tynan– 325 Front Street, Salinas, CA 93901 (unidades de 4 dormitorios) –Esta lista de espera está abierta hasta nuevo aviso.
Un lado del parque – 1108 & 1110 Parkside Street, Salinas, CA 93906 (unidades de 1 y 2 dormitorios, para personas mayores de 62 años o más): esta lista de espera está abierta hasta nuevo aviso.
Todas las aplicaciones a continuación están disponibles en inglés y español.
Tynan Village PBV_español 2021
Política HACM
El HACM no determina quién comparte un dormitorio/dormitorio; Se asignará un dormitorio al jefe de hogar y al cónyuge o pareja, y se asignará un dormitorio por cada dos personas adicionales.
How are Payment Standards established?
Payment Standards are determined by the Housing Authority and are based on a percentage of the local Fair Market Rents (FMR), which are updated annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
How are Payment Standards applied?
Payment Standards play a critical role in calculating the housing assistance payment provided by the Housing Authority to the owner on behalf of the family occupying the unit. The tenant contributes a portion of their income towards rent, while the Housing Authority covers the remaining balance, up to the lesser of the contract rent or the applicable payment standard.
What does "Rent Reasonableness" mean?
Rent reasonableness is a process designed to verify that the rental rate proposed by the owner is fair and justifiable. The Housing Authority evaluates rent reasonableness by comparing the contract rent to the rates charged for a minimum of three comparable unassisted units. Factors considered during this assessment include unit type, location, size, amenities, and included utilities.
Should the contract rent be deemed unreasonable, it will not receive approval, prompting the Housing Authority to request a lower rent amount from the owner.
It's important to note that the concept of rent reasonableness applies not only to the initial lease term but also to any subsequent rent increases.
Utility Allowance
Utility allowances may be updated without prior notice. To access the most up-to-date utility allowance information for Monterey County here.